BIZ道セミナー 全5回受講セット BizDo Full Series
BIZ道セミナーの全5回受講セットです。 BizDo complete 5-seminar series (4/8 ~ 4/24)
(English follows Japanese) BIZ道セミナーの全5回受講セットです。「気」「体」「智」「徳」「備心」、全ての回を学び、実践する事により、ビジネスの達人の心「玉心」を習得できます。玉心とは「心が玉のようであれば、全ての物事を滞りなくできる」という意味。あなたのビジネスをかつてない成功へと導く為に、ご自身の新たな可能性を引き出しましょう! * 全5回受講セット お申し込み特典 * 1:受講料1,000円OFF!(1,000円×5回=5,000円のところ4,000円に!) 2:BIZ道 テキストBOOK プレゼント! (各セミナー参加時に、参加印を押します) 3:最終回(第5回目)にて、BIZ道セミナー受講修了証を発行します。 ************* BizDo seminar - complete (5 seminar) set Acquire the mind and innovative thinking of a "business master", through what we call "Gyoku Shin". This 5 session package includes all BizDo themes including "Ki" Flexibility, "Tai" Resilience, "Chi" Insight, "Toku" Win-Win, and "Bishin" Foresight. Gyoku shin means that "if your mind is like a sphere, you can do your work smoothly." Discover new possibilities to lead your business to unprecedented success! * Benefits of applying for this complete 5 seminar set * 1: Tuition fee 1,000 yen x 5 = 5,000 yen is discounted to 4,000 yen! 2: Comes with a complimentary copy of the BIZDO SEMINAR BOOK (a completion certification stamp will be given after each Seminar session) 3: At the final round (5th round), we will issue you a certificate of completion for the Biz道 Seminar Series. All BizDo Seminars are taught in Japanese with consecutive English translation