[English follows Japanese]
クラスの無料体験会を催します。 詳細は以下に記載しています。ご予約はこちらの各リンクからお願いいたします。子供クラス無料体験(4/6&4/8)または 一般クラス無料体験(4/4, 4/7&4/11)。
智誠館道場 無料体験会 (子どもクラス)
智誠館道場 無料体験会 (一般クラス)
• イベント参加は、受付先着順で参加を決定いたします。
• お申込のお名前・年齢・電話番号などが虚偽申告の場合は参加を取り消し致します。
• 参加者が18歳未満の場合、保護者の承諾を得て参加します。
• イベント中の傷病やその他の事故などがあった場合、イベント主催者は一切の責任を負いません。また参加者が他の参加者などに怪我を負わせた場合も、当事者間でご解決ください。
• 雨天時もイベントは開催致しますが、台風などの荒天の場合はこの限りではありません。荒天などの理由により主催者の判断で中止となる場合は、主催者が決定した方法で イベント開始時間前までに告知または連絡を致します。
• 参加者は、心疾患・疾病等なく、健康に留意しイベントに参加いたします。イベント中の傷病、事故、紛失等に対し、自己の責任においてイベントに参加します。
We're excited to announce two FREE trial classes for Kids and Adult classes at Chiseikan Dojo to celebrate our GRAND OPENING on April 3rd. Please find the details below, or use this link to reserve your tickets for the FREE TRIAL KIDS CLASSES (4/6 & 4/8) or the FREE TRIAL ADULT CLASSES (4/4, 4/7 & 4/11).
KIDS Class Free Trial
"What's it like to practice Aikido?" "Is the teacher nice?" "Is it a type of practice that children can continue practicing for a long time?"
If you're wondering whether Aikido practice will be fun, if it's possible for your child to do, or to continue once they've started to practice, the easiest way to get these answers is to have your child join one of our trial lessons.
Our children's classes are designed to let children learn martial arts in a truly fun and enjoyable way, and we have added many different ways to learn through play into our practices. Through our children's classes, your child will learn not only the martial arts techniques but also how to improve their balance and inner muscles at the same time. Through our practice, students will naturally build a relationship of trust with other students in class as well as their teachers and acquire an understanding of basic etiquette (reigi).
As a first step, we'd like to welcome your elementary school-aged child to participate in an a trial lesson, and if they're interested in continuing after that experience, we will be happy to have them join our Dojo. Our regular admission fee to our Dojo is typically 10,000 per student, but as part of our Grand Opening campaign those who participate in a trial class will have this fee completely waived! We look forward to seeing your child at one of our free trial lessons!
What to bring: Something to drink and a towel
What to wear: Please wear clothes that are comfortable for exercise (like a school gym uniform). Please note, we do have separate men's and women's changing room, so it is OK to change there.
CLICK HERE to reserve your tickets for the Free Kids Class Trial
Adult Class Free Trial
"What kind of Martial Art is Aikido?"
"Because it's a martial art, is practice very strict?"
"I'm interested, but I'm inexperienced, so I'm worried if I can keep up with the lessons."
"I was practicing other martial arts, but I'm also interested in Aikido."
If you're wondering about any of these things, Chiseikan Dojo in Kyoto City will be offering free trial lessons during its Grand Opening celebrations. By experiencing our style of Aikido first, you'll get answers to all of these questions, and if you would like to continue practicing with us after this free trial period, we'd love to have you join our Dojo. Even if you don't have any previous experience with the martial arts, you're more than welcome to join us! Our normal admission fee is usually 10,000 yen, but during our grand opening ceremonies we are waiving this entrance fee completely. Space in each of these classes is limited to 10 people only, and we look forward to the chance of practicing with you!
What to bring: Something to drink and a towel
What to wear: Please wear clothes that are comfortable for exercise. Please note that we have separate men's and women's changing rooms, so feel free to bring your practice clothes with you and change at our Dojo.
CLICK HERE to reserve your tickets for the Free Adult Class Trial
Terms of participation for both classes (Kids and Adults)
• Participation in the event will be decided on a first-come, first-served basis.
• If the name, age, phone number, etc. of the application are falsely declared, participation will be canceled.
• If the participant is under the age of 18, he / she will participate with the consent of his / her guardian.
• The event organizer is not responsible for any injuries or other accidents during the event. Also, if a participant injures another participant, etc., please resolve it between the parties.
• Events will be held even in rainy weather, but this is not the case in stormy weather such as typhoons. If the event is canceled at the discretion of the organizer due to stormy weather, etc., he will notify or contact you by the method decided by the organizer before the event start time.
• Those who participate in this event will be responsible for paying attention to their own health condition. Each participant confirms that they do not have heart disease or other illnesses. Participants agree to participate in the event at their own risk and are themselves fully responsible for any case of injury, illness, accident, loss, etc. during the event.